Customs officials successfully completed the Shanghai Customs College training programme

Customs officials successfully completed the Shanghai Customs College training programme

The selected employees from the customs service bodies of Azerbaijan participated in the online training on "Smart customs" and facilitation of customs inspections ("Three Smarts" and Clearance Facilitation) organized by  Shanghai Customs College.

Participation in the training took place within the framework of the cooperation of the Academy of the State Customs Committee with the training institution of the General Administration of Customs of the  People’s Republic of China and Shanghai Customs College(SCC) , which has the status of Regional Training Center for Asia-Pacific countries of the World Customs Organization (WCO).

The trainings organized by the Shanghai Customs College for 7 customs service employees were held in an online format - through the "ClassIn" platform, the "LearnIn" e-learning platform of the SCC and other virtual resources.

During the training period, the trainers discussed the development of "Smart Customs" in China, "Smart Customs" and trade facilitation in the global world, "Smart Border" and "Single window" systems in China, modern logistics and supply chain management, tariff concession on the background of trade facilitation and regulations, customs reform in cross-border trade, etc. The detailed information on the topics was   provided, legislative and practical issues were discussed.

In order to provide practical knowledge, as well as theoretical knowledge related to sharing the "Smart Customs" experience, a virtual visit was organized with the participants of the event.

Tural, Guliyev the senior inspector of the Department of Work with State Bodies at the Border of the General Department of the Organization of the Work of Customs Border Checkpoints of the State Customs Committee presented the Country Report, which covers the main issues such as the current situation, achievements, challenges, priorities, and needs in the field of "Smart Customs" and facilitation of customs inspections in the customs system in Azerbaijan.

It should be noted that the Academy of the State Customs Committee signed a cooperation agreement with the Shanghai Customs College on September 30, 2021. Within the framework of the agreement, five undergraduate students of the Academy got  the right to participate in the distance learning international exchange program organized by Shanghai Customs College in the 2021/2022 academic year and successfully completed the program. Currently, 3 students of the Academy are studying at the Shanghai Customs College as part of the exchange program.

The ongoing bilateral cooperation aims to develop and further increase the knowledge and skills of customs service employees as well as students. For this purpose, the Shanghai Customs College is planning to hold trainings and seminars for the employee s of the customs service bodies of Azerbaijan.