Bilateral academic cooperation and agreements

Bilateral academic cooperation and agreements

Cooperation with foreign universities through bilateral agreements constitute a priority for the Azerbaijan Customs Academy (ACA). Although the ACA is relatively a new institution, its international cooperation is speedily growing and spans university partnerships from Europe, Eurasia to Australia. As the Academy is both a regular public higher education institution (HEI) and a national training institute, its bilateral academic partnerships target primarily students but also the Customs Service Officers of Azerbaijan, whenever there is a need and demand for the Officers' further academic education and training fo  abroad.

The ACA's general cooperation covers bilateral partnerships in the following broad directions:

  • Mobility and exchanges for: students, faculties and staffs
  • Joint research and publications (newly started)
  • Participation in workshops, seminars, conferences and trainings
  • Exchange of library resources and other academic materials and info
  • Joint curriculum development (currently, a priority)
  • Summer and winter schools
  • Distance/online education capacity strengthening
  • Lifelong learning
  • Development and implementation of bilateral and international projects

In addition to the general cooperation areas, the institution establishes partnerships in such specific academic areas as follows:

  • Customs Studies
  • International Trade & Logistics
  • Information Security/ICT
  • International Economics
  • International Law (Public; EU; Customs; Trade; Criminal)

The ACA bilateral academic agreements and development processes include the following HEIs:


The Academy is currently in touch with various universities in Europe, USA, Canada, South Korea, China and Central Asia, to agree upon and develop mutually beneficial and lasting partnerships.

HEIs interested in developing and implementing a bilateral academic cooperation with the ACA are welcome to use the General inquiries or Partnership request on the right-hand corner of the website.