ASCCA employee attends training on strengthening transnational collaborative partnership

ASCCA employee attends training on strengthening transnational collaborative partnership

The National Erasmus+ Office of Azerbaijan and the Erasmus Student Network have organized the project of "Training and Resources for Universities to Strengthen Transnational Partnership" (TRUST). The event was attended by executives and representatives of the Ministry of Science and Education, the National Erasmus+ Office of Azerbaijan, the Erasmus Student Network, and higher educational institutions of Azerbaijan. ASCCA staff member Shabnam Nuriyeva also participated in the event.

The main goal of the training was to strengthen transnational partnership, internationalization, project management, and international education skills in Azerbaijani high education institutions (HEIs).

During the three-day training, experts from the University of Tbilisi in Georgia, Marmara University in Turkey, and Mariupol State University in Ukraine delivered presentations and lectures on "Preparing Erasmus + (Strengthening Potential) Projects in HEIs," "Establishing Cooperation and Grant Management," "Virtual Exchanges in Higher Education," "Erasmus + Jean Monnet Project, Methodology and Management," and other topics.

At the end of the event, participants were presented with certificates.