ASCCA presented at IV Republican Conference held at BSU

ASCCA presented at IV Republican Conference held at BSU

The 4th Republican Students’ Conference was held to commemorate the 101st anniversary of the birth of National Leader Heydar Aliyev. The conference was jointly organized by the Faculty of Information and Document Management of Baku State University (BSU) and the Student Scientific Society (SSS) and was attended by the Academy of the State Customs Committee along with four other special-purpose higher education institutions.

Delivering the opening speech, Professor Mais Suleymanov, the Director of the Center for Organization of Scientific Activities and Innovations of BSU, highlighted the significant measures taken to update the content of scientific research works at the University and encourage student involvement in the process. Additionally, other distinguished speakers at the opening ceremony emphasized the event's significance and wished the participants success.

Associate Professor Rashad Gardashov, the scientific supervisor of the Student Scientific Society at the "Information and Document Management" faculty, elucidated that the objective of the event was to explore the current state and future prospects of electronic catalogues and automation processes in library-information activities. Moreover, the conference aimed to foster students' interest in scientific research and deliberate scientific findings in this realm. He conveyed his gratitude to the management of the special-purpose higher education institutions and the library staff for providing students with the necessary resources and conducive environment to conduct research.

At the conference, BSU students presented their research findings on the work experience of the libraries of 5 special-purpose higher education institutions. The presentations included extensive information about digitization processes, efficiency of usability, search capabilities of the electronic catalog in the libraries of special-purpose higher education institutions, as well as comparative analyses and suggestions.

During the conference, Jamila Namazova, the deputy head of the Academy of the State Customs Committee, delivered a speech highlighting the significance of promoting scientific research among students. She expressed her gratitude to the BSU management for organizing the conference.